Monday, October 6, 2014

Occult Knowledge & Esoteric Knowledge

Knowledge is Gained by Questioning Everything

The esoteric inner teachings realms of thought can provide great insight into the nature of man and the universe. But for most people the esoteric inner teachings realm of thought can be a morass, a veritable jungle of ideas where one can easily get lost. It is necessary to share a few guidelines about this complex facet of human thought to serve as guideposts for the beginning student of the spiritual path. The first thing is to realize the esoteric inner teachings realm of thought is not taught conventionally in schools, colleges and universities. Orthodox religions rarely teach about them in their sacred temples or in religious public gatherings. That is why there is a lot of mystery surrounding esoteric fields like astrology, alchemy, kabbalah, numerology, yoga and mysticism.

If you are a very open-minded student of the spiritual path who wants to explore these esoteric inner teachings realms of thought, then most likely you can acquire some esoteric inner knowledge by buying occult books and or joining occult groups. Now, there can be many problems associated with this approach. The first is that spiritual wisdom cannot be acquired by reading occult books alone rather using your own Gnosis (Spiritual Knowledge), intuition or common sense to understand the connection of the physical world to the cosmos. And also it cannot be acquired by joining occult groups alone because most groups tend to use mythical writings at face value to literalism. Let us explain. It is true that esoteric inner knowledge of thought can be gained by reading occult books but only by gathering information from all sides to decipher truth. The esoteric inner teachings realm of thought is a very complex jungle of ideas through metaphors with many dangers and pitfalls. The most obvious danger is the lure to power. Some individuals venture into the esoteric inner teachings realms of thought with the hope that it will solve their psychological problems, many of which are rooted in infancy and life of the physical world.

They think that mastering a set of occult systems can alleviate their psychological problems by imagining the universe is a physical representation from religious writings in exoteric outer teachings of holy books. Nothing could be further from the truth! If anything, the exploration of certain occult systems of thought will only exacerbate certain negative psychological attitudes. If a learner is arrogant, he/she will become more arrogant. If he/she masters a certain occult system, believing that he/she is superior to the common man or woman will increase this tendency to control people. If a learner is manipulative, mastering a certain occult system will increase this tendency, because he/she would have gained a new set of tools to manipulate other people. If a person is dishonest, it is possible that mastering an occult system will increase this tendency because he/she would have gained a new set of techniques that he/she can use to deceive his fellowmen. This is the reason why the esoteric inner teachings realms of thought were banned in many cultures for thousands of years. In ancient times not everyone was allowed to become an initiate into the mysteries of the spiritual world because of these tendencies. A true student/initiate into the mysteries knows knowledge only comes from self-realization direct experience through meditation, outer body experience or a near death experience.

We have witnessed a lot of abuse from individuals on the internet to gain a mass following by manipulating facts and distorting the truth. They are misrepresenting the words from past modern day philosophers of the esoteric inner teachings like Manly P. Hall, Alice Bailey and Madame H.P. Blavatsky. In all their writings they always refer to our relationship as humans within the laws of nature of the physical world and the cosmos as a spiritual path of understanding through Gnosis (Spiritual Knowledge), intuition or common sense perception and not by illusionary or mythical perception. And they always us the term in expressing the occult literature/symbols as metaphors and not as literal interpretation from writings within exoteric outer teachings religious holy books. So beware of individuals who constantly take their own occult knowledge and destroy others and make themselves superior as being above you or others and preach their findings/teachings are far better for the average Joe. Occult knowledge is a collective thought and a real Occultist knows nothing is new under the sun and every ideal is a shared idea of thought with no self-glory of a new invention. We are all connected to a collective consciousness within the Supreme Being of the mind we call God and everything is repeated through the cycles of the Yuga's. A couple of sites to start your journey for a beginner to a spiritual path is by visiting or to read and to explore from a peer group of professional occultists in the field of esoteric knowledge or by visiting a professional kabbalist, Dr. Michael Laitmen to ask a question or watch videos. For the more advanced student we recommend visiting to explore Madame Blavatsky's theosophy teachings.

Always challenge everything that is being pushed by popular mainstream internet sites, individuals or groups because there are individuals who strive to provide disinformation to control the mass population through ignorance.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article! We must embrace knowledge and search within ourselves also to take full advantage of the spiritual path. Remain open minded, self reflect or meditate, and also study the ancient sacred texts. Always use your intuition as well.
